May 19, 2005 - 08:09 AMT
"Russia and Armenia cannot do without a systematic, comprehensive approach to youth problems," stated head of the Union of Youth of Russia and Armenia (UYRA) within the structure of the Association of the Russian-Armenian Business Cooperation, member of the Supreme Council of Russian Party of Self-Government of Workers, Chairman of party the Youth Movement Karen Dasoyan, reported the Yerkramas newspaper of Armenians of Russia. In the opinion of the young leader no one is seriously concerned about the youth in Russia and Armenia. "Only politicians rarely remember us, raising under the banner of pledges of free education in higher education institutions, beneficial crediting of young families, increasing child birth allowances, building new sport grounds, day nurseries, kindergartens, schools… They promise, but these words tly away with the speed of the wind just after the recurrent election," Dasoyan says. TO solve the problem he considers necessary working out of the youth policy program along with a Law on Youth that would mention the mechanisms of interaction of youth organizations and the state, the ways to support the youth, the role of the youth and the opportunities for its having impact on the state decision-making process. The UYRA leader considers the forming of a state department that would engage in the youth affairs (state committee for youth affairs or ministry of youth) the third component of the solving of the problems of the young generation. "The Union of Youth of Russia and Armenia will consider its task fulfilled if we manage to solve these three basic problems," K. Dasoyan notes.