December 7, 2012 - 16:26 AMT
UK envoy expresses condolences over Armenian amb. death

British ambassador to Armenia, Katy Leach sent a message of condolence to the Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian over the death of RA envoy to the UK Karine Kazinian.

“It is with enormous sadness that I heard the news today about my dear colleague and friend, ambassador to the UK Karine Kazinian.

Karine was of course a very talented diplomat, who had made a vital contribution, in her former position as Deputy Foreign Minister, to the step-change in Armenia’s relations with the EU. But she was also a warm and genuine person, someone with whom it was a pleasure to work. Her energy, charm and clear sense of purpose had already made a great impact during her first year as Ambassador in London. I know that following the great success of the events she organized in London in November, to celebrate 20 years of diplomatic relations between Armenia and the UK, she was full of ideas for how to take things forward and work together. Jonathan and I were looking forward to it tremendously.

Please accept my personal and heartfelt condolences, and those of all my colleagues here in Yerevan and in London who knew and admired Karine, for a tragic, untimely loss. Our thoughts are with her family and friends at this very difficult time,” amb. Leach said.