June 8, 2005 - 10:18 AMT
Chairman of the Union of Armenians of Russia (UAR) Ara Abrahamian stated that the Armenian pilots released in Equatorial Guinea will arrive in Moscow June 10. "My two representatives Andranik Migranian and Karen Galustian are in Malabo at the moment. I hope that the pilots will arrive in Moscow on June 10 and then depart for Armenia", he said, ITAR-TASS reports. Ara Abrahamian also noted that the Armenian Foreign Ministry requested him as UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador to assist to the discharge of the Armenian pilots." In his words, Pope John Paul II, UNESCO Secretary General Koichiro Matsuura and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Larvov appealed to the leadership of Equatorial Guinea with a request to release the pilots. "Three-month consistent and laborious work was finally crowned with success", Ara Abrahamian noted expressing gratitude to the authorities of Equatorial Guinea. "Due to some historical circumstances may Armenians live abroad. Each of them should know that he is not alone and can count on the support of the state and the Armenian community", the UAR chairman resumed.