June 8, 2005 - 11:11 AMT
When commenting on the dislocation of the Russian military bases from Georgia to Armenia Azeri FM Elmar Mamedyarov threatened Russia with "retaliatory measures" without going into detail however, IA Regnum reports. To note, some Azeri media report that Azerbaijan is likely to sever cooperation with Russia on the Gabali Radio location station lease. Earlier, Azerbaijani Prime Minister Artur Rasizade hinted at possible "retaliatory measures". As Zerkalo newspaper writes these measures can appear as denouncement of the agreement on Gabali Radio location station lease or admission of US bases to the Azeri territory as "quick reaction forces" or "Caspian guards". At that both variants can supplement each other. "Anyway the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister has already made a formal statement on the issue. It only remains to wait and judge how far Azerbaijan can go", the daily writes. At the same time well known political scientist Rasim Musabekov told Nezavisimaya Gazeta Azeri newspaper that Gabali radiolocation station will not close until the agreement between the two states is expired. To note, the agreement provides for rather favorable conditions for the Russian party. As for the further development, the station can be liquidated. The possibility can be proved by Azerbaijan's close cooperation with Turkey, US and NATO without taking into consideration the presence of the Russian military base. According to Musabekov, the amount of the Russian armament in the Caucasus is conditioned by the Agreement on Armament in Europe signed at the Istanbul summit of the heads of European states. "The occurrence of the armament, let it be Georgia or Armenia does not matter for the signatories. Russia will base it in Armenia due to the Georgian quote. Thus formally, nothing changes for Russia and Azerbaijan. The matter is that support to Armenia is offered openly now. With its military presence in Armenia Russia is sheltering it from Turkey and stimulating its non-constructive role in the region", Rasim Musabekov said.