June 9, 2005 - 09:38 AMT
The Nagorno Karabakh conflict should be solved by the parties involved in the conflict first of all, while the superpowers can merely have an influence for them finding common points. Former Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Vladimir Kazimirov stated it when answering a question why the three superpowers: Russia, US and France have not managed to solve the dispute of two small countries - Azerbaijan and Armenia, Day.az reported. In his words, there are no serious talks without concessions. However Presidents have not started making the society ready for these, just the opposite - for many years they assured they will gain and not give. "Armenians should understand they have to return the territories and Azerbaijan should understand that it is necessary to solve the issue of the status of Nagorno Karabakh. But the two countries are engaged not in what is necessary, but in deceiving themselves. They should engage themselves is strengthening the cease-fire regime and reconciling. Azerbaijan has to give up militant terminology, while Armenia - from absurd ideas of "liberated", i.e. occupied territories of Azerbaijan. I have been stating for several years already that participation of Nagorno Karabakh in the talks will only benefit Azerbaijan. However, Baku agrees to it in no way. At the same time considering that someone from the outside will put press and the problem will solve automatically is naive," V. Kazimirov emphasized.