December 17, 2012 - 19:55 AMT
Areni Noir among Bloomberg Top 10 wines of 2012

Bloomberg named the Top 10 wines of 2012 complied by American wine and spirits columnist Elin McCoy.

“Here, in no particular order, are my 10 most memorable wines. They range from a great Bordeaux to a new California red to a scarce bottling from the mountains of Armenia. All reflect the growing diversity of today’s wine world -- and where it’s going in 2013,” she says in her article.

The author goes on to express her appreciation of Zorah Karasi Areni Noir Armenian wine.

“In Izmir, Turkey, I was wowed by my first-ever taste of an Armenian wine, this stylish red made from areni noir grapes and aged in traditional clay amphora.

Smoky, silky elegance, soft mulberry-like fruit and wild earth notes are part of the wine’s appeal; I also savored the thrill of drinking history. It’s the first vintage from a new wine making project near the Areni-1 cave, where archeologists discovered the world’s oldest winery, dating back 6,100 years,” Ms. McCoy said.