June 15, 2005 - 10:08 AMT
The NKR Foreign Ministry welcomes the visits of the Azeri journalists and public figures to Karabakh, NKR Foreign Minister Arman Melikian stated in his interview with H2 Armenian TV Channel. Presently Azerbaijan's attitude towards us is hostile and we should be aware of the spirit of the Azeri society and contents of the press subordinate to the leadership", the Minister noted. "As a matter of fact, the Azeri authorities try to conceal the truth about Nagorno Karabakh from the society. We should bring it to the notion of the Azeri people, since they have the right to know about the developments in the NKR. We are ready to offer this opportunity to Azeri journalists and public figures", Arman Melikian said. In his words, these visits will help to understand that each citizen of Karabakh perceives NKR as an independent state and it is the only condition for the establishment of normal relations with Azerbaijan. "The state, the people and the authorities, who shut their eyes to the truth and are not willing to give an objective estimate to the reality are doomed to failure", NKR FM resumed.