June 17, 2005 - 07:49 AMT
The Memorandum of the Parliamentary Assembly of the South Caucasus was signed in the Georgian Parliament June 16. Georgian Speaker Nino Burjanadze, Vice-Speaker of Armenian Parliament Tigran Torosyan and Azeri Milli Mejlis MP, one of the leading figures of Eni Azerbaijan ruling party Siyavush Novruzov participated in the signing ceremony, reported Novosti Gruzia (News Georgia). At a joint briefing held upon the completion of the signing of the document, Nino Burjanadze underscored the importance of the event. "This step became possible based on the experience of the Baltic Interparliamentary Assembly," Burjanadze said. The Georgian Speaker remarked that "Azeri and Armenian politicians could overcome the differences and barriers to realize goals referring to European integration and accession to the NATO from a joint position." As all participants of the briefing states, the South Caucasian states together can make more successful steps to develop their countries and the region as a whole. Speaking of the problems available in the region, including conflict settlement, the briefing participants said they were sure it was possible to overcome them. At that it was noted that the meeting participants expect notable outcomes from the work of the South Caucasus PA by 2007. As it was mentioned at the briefing, the South Caucasus PA should become a serious guarantor of stability in the region.