July 5, 2005 - 10:14 AMT
«My optimism on settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is based on the intentions of state leaders. They perceive that finding ways of settlement fitting both parties is in the interests of Azerbaijan and Armenia,» said OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (PA) rapporteur on Nagorno Karabakh Goran Lennmarker, reported AzerTAj. "During my tenure at the office of special representative I felt it when contacting state leaders, as well as common people. When a conflict appears within a family, feelings become more controversial. This is not because these are people with little in common, on the contrary - because they are close. I will also say that at present all international organizations - the NATO, OSCE, Council of Europe - support the search for ways of soonest settlement of the conflict. This is an exclusive chance that should not be lost," he added. "You can use Europe's experience. Do not forget we had conflicts and wars - more durable and bloody than this one - in our history, too. Hundreds of million people died in conflicts in Western Europe. Despite it we learned to coexist. Having opened our borders, uniting our economies we made conclusions from tragic lessons the history taught us. Why cannot Azeris and Armenians live as Europeans do? You are part of Europe. Like other Europeans you deserve high life standards, all freedoms. I believe it will be possible if the conflict is settled,» G. Lennmarker stated.