July 8, 2005 - 11:22 AMT
Specialists of ArmenTel, one of the cellular providers in Armenia, are presently trying to correct the communication failures. Since July 4 it has been almost impossible to reach ArmenTel subscribers. However, the specialists have not found out any technical faults yet. The company presents its apologies and assures that it is undertaking all the necessary measures for providing high quality GSM network. It is interesting that the failures started immediately after the second operator, K-Telecom, entered the market. To note, yesterday Armenian Minister of Transport and Communications Andranik Manukian demanded explanations from ArmenTel. In his words, the second operator is experiences no problems of the kind. According to Armenia Country Manager Roger Robinson, Armenia yields to other South Caucasian states in one field only - telecommunication. However he expressed hope that the situation will improve, IA Regnum reports.