January 15, 2013 - 10:51 AMT
Lance Armstrong admits to doping

Lance Armstrong, who for years vehemently denied cheating while winning a record seven Tours de France, told Oprah Winfrey that he used performance-enhancing drugs to advance his cycling career, according to media reports, CNN reported.

ABC News, the New York Times and USA Today, citing unnamed sources, reported Monday, Jan 14 night that the former cyclist finally admitted to using steroids during an interview he and Winfrey taped Monday night in Armstrong's hometown of Austin, Texas.

Armstrong was emotional at times during the session, a source, who was familiar with the interview.

The person refused to discuss the specifics of what Armstrong said, including whether he confessed to using performance-enhancing drugs as ABC and USA Today reported.

Armstrong also might pay back part of the money he received from the U.S. Postal Service, which sponsored the cyclist and his team while he was winning six of his Tours de France, the source said.

The source said Armstrong was in negotiations to repay some of the money.

ESPN reported in 2011 that the agency which is not taxpayer funded paid more that $31 million to sponsor the team during the final four years of its agreement.