July 14, 2005 - 08:16 AMT
Synopsys company Vice-President Rich Goldman has arrived in Armenia with his main goal being establishment of a company philanthropic foundation. Synopsys Armenia CJSC SG head Hovik Musaelyan told .am edition of PanARMENIAN.Net. In his words, the establishment of the foundation is the next stage of the company programs. The body mission is solving education and social issues. "Thus serious attention is planned to be paid to orphans' and retirement homes. There are also programs aimed at discovering talented children in Armenia, providing computer classrooms to schools and higher education institutions, environment events and much more," H. Musaelyan remarked. Within education programs Armenian higher education are planned to be provided with auditoriums for distance learning. President prize in high technologies is also expected to be awarded. In the words of the Synopsys Armenian office head, the foundation program will be approved one of these days. Hovik Musaelyan is appointed foundation manager. It should be reminded that Synopsys Corporation is one of the world leaders in production and design of chips and microelectronic systems. The company has its representations in 60 countries of the world.