January 16, 2013 - 15:05 AMT
Dotcom’s new Mega service ads pulled from radio

File sharing magnate Kim Dotcom has seen the ads for his proposed Mega service pulled from the radio, The Inquirer reports.

Dotcom was going to advertise his new Mega service, which opens this week, across some 500 radio stations. However, the company that was running the ads has told him that it cannot proceed. He said that the ads were pulled because of complaints from his nemesis, the music labels.

"Apparently some music labels complained to Mediaworks about our radio ads. Booking of over 500 ad plays terminated. Wow!!!," he said. "Not blaming Mediaworks. They are a great company with great people. It's the music labels that are abusing their power, again."

Dotcom is planning to launch Mega on January 18 on the anniversary of the controversial raid that closed down Megaupload.

Mega will be a similar, but different kind of service according to Dotcom, and will be more secure and private and therefore better for its users. Dotcom is attempting to open it with a flourish and has trialed the look of the website in recent months.

Local residents will be awarded free ice cream and t-shirts on the launch day if they are in the Auckland area.