July 14, 2005 - 10:28 AMT
The threat of eternal loss of Karabakh becomes real. Using the pre-election situation, international organizations increase the pressure upon the society and authorities of Azerbaijan to force them make serious concessions, a statement of Karabakh Liberation Organization (KLO) says. The OSCE PA Special Rapporteur on Nagorno Karabakh Goran Lennmarker openly announced there is a chance for Nagorno Karabakh to join Armenia. Council of Europe Secretary General stated that Azerbaijan may be expelled from the CE in case the country liberates the «occupied territories» by force. The KLO statement also says that activities of international organizations, the Minsk Group that runs counter to national interests of Azerbaijan, should be ended immediately. Pressure upon the Azeri Government should be ceased. International organizations should recognize Armenia «aggressor, apply sanctions against it and attain withdrawal of occupant forces from the territory of Azerbaijan.» The KLO states that talks on holding any referendums in Karabakh should immediately be ceased. No one can give any status to Karabakh in a unilateral mode. After the return of 200 thousand Azeris «driven away» from Armenia and giving them a status, the same can be done regarding Karabakh Armenians. The KLO also considers inadmissible location of peacekeeping forces in Nagorno Karabakh and adjacent regions. Not to admit aggressive actions by Armenia the peacekeeping forces should be placed at the Azeri-Armenian border, the statement says.