July 16, 2005 - 08:50 AMT
«As the talks are in process I cannot name the issues, over which we have reached accord. Confidentiality principle should be observed in order to make any progress. I can only say that the principle of preservation of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan forms the basis of the talks and these are held in compliance with the Constitution of Azerbaijan.» Azeri Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov stated this to journalists. The FM called groundless the rumor spread by Armenian media that in 10-15 years after the signing of a peace accord a referendum will be held in Nagorno Karabakh. «The reasons for spreading such reports may lie both in the domestic situation in Armenia and the opportunity for the information to be of provocative nature. Most probably it is aimed at studying the response of the opposing party,» Mammadyarov said. The Azeri Fm also said the talks concern not only liberation of 5 regions: «The issue of liberation of the 7 occupied regions around NK are discussed at the first phase of the negotiations. However, the issue of placement of peacekeeping forces in the region after the return of the Azeri population to the permanent residence place will be discussed once an agreement over key issues is made.» According to E. Mammadyarov, the decision on it was passed at the OSCE Budapest Summit.