July 19, 2005 - 12:10 AMT
Azeri leaders are ready to prepare the society of their country to solution of the Karabakh conflict. According to Arkady Ghukasyan's observations, lately Azeri media have become covering the Karabakh settlement as well as the Armenian-Azeri relations on the whole less aggressively. "Earlier they artificially disseminated hatred toward Armenians - a thing the Armenian party did not do. We were much more restrained," the NKR President stated in an interview with the Public TV Company of Armenia. As noted by Mr. Ghukasyan the Azeri party's leadership will need "political will and ability to run a risk" at the given stage of settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. "I am not sure Azeri leaders are ready to that, however individual political figures have the desire to solve the problem. However, desires are not enough, will is necessary," Ghukasyan remarked. In the NKR President's opinion, Azeri leaders clearly realize the ideas the advocated before are unattainable. "They cannot get everything having ceded nothing. It should be taken into account that they have made rather large-scale promises to the people. So they have to gradually give up these ideas, as these are not real. The problem lies in whether Azeri authorities will take the risk or not," A. Ghukasyan said, reported IA Regnum.