July 20, 2005 - 08:12 AMT
The OSCE Minsk Group Chairs positively assess the outcomes of their visit to Nagorno Karabakh conflict region, Russian Co-Chair Yuri Merzlyakov stated, Trend news agency reports. In his words, during the Baku-Stepanakert-Yerevan visit "very useful meetings and thorough discussions took place." Before the meeting of the Armenian and Azerbaijani FMs in Moscow and the meeting of the Presidents in Kazan the Co-Chairs are likely to meet. Though the meeting may be held not in full composition what is conditioned by the holidays. "The Co-Chairs intend to prepare for the upcoming meetings via e-mail", he added not ruling out that the parties can ask to hold a special joint meeting. When commenting on the possible terms of concluding a peaceful agreement Yuri Merzlyakov said, "It would not be serious to say that agreement can be achieved in a month. However any joint statement or declaration by the parties can be considered. Though as far as I know it is out of question at the moment." According to him, adoption of non-adoption of a declaration after the Kazan meeting depends on the conflicting parties only.