August 3, 2005 - 07:29 AMT
Representatives of the Azerbaijani mass media, having no idea of the details of the peaceful process on the Karabakh problem and its political-legal aspects, publish articles, in which the information of official Stepanakert is misconstrued. As a result, an atmosphere, hindering the understanding of human values and considering any alternative means and goals is created in the Azerbaijani society. It is doubtless that the search of mutually profitable and fair settlement of the Karabakh conflict is possible only via establishment of effective communication between the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and the Azerbaijani Republic. In this connection, it should be re-emphasized that any settlement of the Karabakh conflict, the current stage of which started with such humanitarian calamity as mass killings of Armenians in Sumgait and Baku, as well as further ethnic cleansing, deportation and banishment of nearly 500 000 Armenian citizens of the former Azerbaijani SSR in 1988-1990, must, first of all, propose restoration of justice and reparation of the moral and financial losses to these people, including recognition of their right for having their Motherland. The Azerbaijani leadership is entirely responsible for unleashing the military activities and their results, including the issue of paying reparations to all the refugees and IDP's, suffered from these actions, regardless of their nationality and current citizenship. Starting with humanitarian calamity, the Karabakh conflict must be settled just in the humanitarian dimension, in full accordance with the fundamental principles and goals of international law.