August 4, 2005 - 13:17 AMT
Today Armenian Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan met with Egyptian Ambassador to Armenia Abla Abd Al-Chasan Osman, reported the Press Service of the Armenian Government. In the course of the meeting A. Margaryan condoled with the Ambassador on the act of terrorism in Sharm El-Shek July 23. He emphasized that terrorism as an evil be directed against the whole of the humanity should be censured and condemned by everyone. Speaking of Armenian-Egyptian political relations, Andranik Margaryan noted their high level, specifically, within the framework of international organizations. He added Armenia many times voted in support of Egypt's candidacy in various UN structures in 2003-2004 and within planed UN reform Armenia supports Egypt's candidacy in the Security Council. The Armenian PM qualified the bilateral commercial and economic relations as unsatisfactory. He noted however certain steps in the field were made lately. In his turn Egyptian Ambassador expressed hope for the PM's visit scheduled this autumn would promote development of economic cooperation. Especially since the visit will be followed by the 4th meeting of the Armenian-Egyptian Intergovernmental Commission, the Armenian-Egyptian business forum and political consultations between the MFAs of the two countries. In the course of the meeting the parties discussed the program of retraining of Armenian specialists by means of the Egyptian MFA Foundation of Technical Cooperation with CIS countries, as well as the current cooperation and possible new programs in health, culture, education, agriculture and others.