August 9, 2005 - 10:02 AMT
Resulting from downpours biblical frescos at Surb Khach church in Akhtamar Island gradually disappear. After a century-long indifference and decades of political variance, Turkey has decided to lend an ear to EU calls to protect national minority rights in Turkey. This May the Turkish Government provided 2 million Turkish liras ($1.5 million) to repair Surb Khach church. The move gives careful hope for the warming of Armenian-Turkish relations. In late July Armenian Patriarch of Turkey Mesrop Mutafyan met with representatives of the construction company that is restoring the church. Planned restoration works and participation of Armenian architects were discussed at the meeting. «Surb Khach church is important both to Armenians and Turks,» noted Zeydanli company head. In his words, Patriarch Mesrop Mutafyan has advised to contact Armenian architect Zakaria Mildauoghlu, reported RFE/RL.