September 8, 2005 - 07:43 AMT
According to the Human Development Annual Report of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), all republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States are included in the group of countries with average development level. Russia has occupied 62nd place on human development index, Belarus - 67th, Ukraine -78th, Kazakhstan - 80th, Armenia - 83rd, Turkmenistan - 97th, Georgia - 100, Azerbaijan - 101st, Kyrgyzstan - 109th, Uzbekistan - 111th, Moldova - 115th,
Tajikistan - 122nd out of 177 countries researched. Indices of health state of nations, life length, social protection, per capita Gross Domestic Produce, education and cultural level, crime and environment record served as criteria for UN experts. Norway, Island, Australia, Luxembourg and Canada got highest marks on the parameters mentioned. The US and Japan have lost two points as compared with past year and occupy 10th and 11th places respectively. All Baltic states, were included in the countries with high development level (Estonia - 38, Lithuania -39 and Latvia - 48). Mali, Burkina-Faso, Sierra Leone and Niger were named among 32 most retarded countries.