February 12, 2013 - 16:13 AMT
Helena Bonham Carter to star in BBC’s “Burton & Taylor”

The BBC has ordered a one-off movie to star Dominic West and Helena Bonham Carter as legendary, volatile ex-lovers Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, Deadline said.

Burton & Taylor is a 90-minute film that will air on BBC Four and chart the pair’s ill-fated appearance in a 1983 revival of the Noel Coward play, Private Lives, which ran for 63 performances on Broadway.

Burton and Taylor were famously married twice, from 1964-1974 and again from 1975-1976.

Most recently, Lindsay Lohan and Grant Bowler starred in a Lifetime biopic about the tumultuous couple.

Burton & Taylor is an in-house project from BBC Drama Productions and will be exec produced by Jessica Pope. Richard Laxton, who’s helming the Emma Thompson-penned feature Effie, starring Dakota Fanning, directs. The screenplay is by Made In Dagenham‘s William Ivory. Lachlan McKinnon (Silent Witness) is producer.