September 23, 2005 - 09:55 AMT
September 24-27 the Armenian official delegation headed by Minister of Economy and Finance Vardan Khachatrian will be in Washington to take part in the 11-th meeting of the Armenian-American working group on economic cooperation, the annual conference of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund as well as in the meeting of Millennium Challenge Corporation, press service of the Ministry of Economy and Finance reported. Armenian President's Chief Adviser on Economic Affairs Vahram Nersisyants, President of the Central bank of Armenia Tigran Sargsian, Minister of Trade and Economic Development Karen Chshmaritian, Minister of Culture David Lokian, RA Ambassador to the U.S. Tatul Margarian and other officials will serve on the RA delegation. September 24-25 the delegation members will meet with WB and IMF high rank representatives to discuss the problems available and the issues referring to further cooperation. On September 26 the 11-th sitting of the Armenian-American economic cooperation will be held. On September 27 the delegation with Vardan Khachatrian at the head is to meet with Millennium Challenge Corporation to discuss the request submitted by the Armenian government within the Millennium Challenge framework.