October 4, 2005 - 14:32 AMT
Descendants of Armenian Genocide victims to get $17 million
An agreement is signed between AXA, the largest French insurance company, and a Californian law firm in Paris. Millions of Armenians, who are relatives of those killed in 1915, are to benefit from it. The matter concerns a rather large sum that will total $17 million. It is also known that similar agreements on payment are to be signed with other European insurance companies soon. Experts suppose that it is not casual that is known about the availability of payments today, when EU states are trying to negotiate on Turkey's accession to the EU. As it is known, the requirement to recognize the Armenian Genocide is a basic one is that country. A rally was held in France over the weekend. Some 1000 participants went out in Marseilles demanding that Turkey recognize the Armenian Genocide. France had done it in 2001, reported IA Regnum.