October 18, 2005 - 14:33 AMT
Azeris of Europe against Armenian President Visit to Belgium
«Benelux» Coordination Council of Azeri Organizations has released a statement protesting against Armenian President Robert Kocharian's visit to Belgium October 19. «We - the former citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, who now live in Europe: Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Talishs, Russians, Jews and representatives of other nationalities - address the UN, EU, International Criminal Court (Hague), European judicial structures and all international organizations demanding to put an end to the double standards policy,» the Council document says. It further urges the aforementioned international organizations to provide a legal and political evaluation of the «crimes» of the Armenian military, who are responsible for «their crimes against humanity in Azerbaijan and call them to account.» It should be reminded that an Armenian delegation lead by President Kocharian is arriving in Brussels on a three-day working visit to commence October 19. The delegation will meet with Belgian leaders, EU top officials and the NATO SecGen.