March 22, 2013 - 10:57 AMT
Aronian: I thought I should pose some problems for Radjabov

After a victory in the World Chess Championship's Candidates Tournament round 6, Armenian grandmaster Levon Aronian said his contender, Azerbaijan’s Teimour Radjabov was defending well.

“I thought I had a decent position out of the opening and lots of time on my clock, so I thought I should pose some problems for Teimour,” said Aronian, who seemed to get an advantage after White’s pawn push 24.g5.

With a weakened king position Radjabov had to be careful, and he was for a long time. “I should say that till the very last moment he was defending very well. Only through luck I managed to break his resistance,” said Aronian.

After the round 6, Aronian gained 4,5 points to share the 1st- 2nd places with Norway’s Magnus Carlsen.