October 22, 2005 - 17:20 AMT
Ministers Made Retire and Expelled from Party in Azerbaijan
Former Minister of Health of Azerbaijan Ali Insanov and former Minister of Economic Development Farhad Aliyev are expelled from the ruling party of Azerbaijan. The decision was made at Yeni Azerbaijan Party session Saturday. Insanov and Aliyev were made retire and taken into custody earlier this week. Aliyev is indicted of seizure of power by force and keeping it, organizing mass disorders and abuse of office, misappropriation and embezzlement. Insanov is indicted of financing organization of a coup d'etat. It should be reminded that last weekend Azeri authorities stated head of the oppositionist Democratic Party of Azerbaijan, ex-Speaker of the country Parliament R. Guliyev was organizing a coup d'etat in Azerbaijan. All strategic objects were taken under reinforced control due to that.