October 24, 2005 - 18:32 AMT
EU Should Show Individual Approach towards Each State Included in New Neighborhood Policy
Today Armenian President Robert Kocharian met with the delegation of the EU Troika led by UK Special Representative for the South Caucasus Sir Brian Fall, RA leader's press center reported. The RA President rated the visit of the EU Troika as the evidence of EU's close attention to the region. The parties focused at the Armenia-EU relations within the New Neighborhood Policy stressing the importance of the implementation of the Individual Partnership Action Plan. In R. Kocharian's words, Armenia does not admit the problems of one state as an obstacle to the negotiations with other states included in the program. "We think that the EU should demonstrate individual approach towards each state within the European New Neighborhood Policy," the Armenian President stated. During the meeting the interlocutors also touched upon the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement.