March 28, 2013 - 12:13 AMT
Aronian: happy to recover after a loss against Gelfand

Armenian grandmaster Levon Aronian commented on his win against Ukraine’s Vassily Ivanchuk in the tenth round of London-hosted Candidates Tournament.

“Ivanchuk is known to play any kind of opening so I just decided not to prepare much, keep my head fresh. After 26.g4 I have very good compensation. I was actually quite happy with my position. I’m happy to kind of recover after a loss against Boris. Let’s see, let’s see. Still many round to go!” the tournament’s official website quoted Aronian as saying.

Aronian currently comes 2nd in the Candidates Tournament, falling only 0,5 point behind the leader Magnus Carlsen. The player will face off against Russia’s Peter Svidler in the 11th round.