October 28, 2005 - 16:16 AMT
Trust in Armenian President Increased 7%
The rating of trust in Armenian President Robert Kocharian grew with 7% in 2005. According to the research carried out by the Caucasian Center of Investigation Resources, last year 30% of the RA citizens trusted in the President. For a comparison, Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili enjoys the confidence of 70.9% (in 2004 - 86.4%), while 64% (in 2004 - 84.8%) Azerbaijani citizens trust in President Ilham Aiyev.
Meanwhile the Armenian respondents are rather pessimistic about the improvement of their financial and economic state. Only 21% of those surveyed are sure that their living conditions will improve. 58% do not believe in bright future. 66% of the respondents in Georgia are convinced that their financial state will improve within next three years. In Azerbaijan the number of optimists made 42%. 1/3 or 32.6% of Armenians are positive on establishing economic cooperation with Azerbaijan while 71.1% of Azeri respondents are categorically against.

The Center for Investigation Resources was founded in 2003 in the capital cities of the three South Caucasian republics and is financed by Eurasian Foundation, reported IA Regnum.