March 29, 2013 - 17:11 AMT
Synopsys Armenia, Karabakh Telecom, Artsakh University team up

On March 29, President of Artsakh Republic Bako Sahakyan attended the ceremony of signing a cooperation agreement between Synopsys Armenia, Karabakh Telecom companies and Artsakh State University.

Under the agreement, Karabakh Telecom CJSC allocated AMD 28 million to Artsakh State University, in accordance with state-of-the-art education standards and requirements. Synopsys Armenia CJSC will grant 60 licenses of Synopsys software tools to the university, as well as comprehensive educational materials.

President Sahakyan further met with executive director of Synopsys Armenia CJSC Hovik Musaelyan and general manager of Karabakh-Telecom CJSC Ralph Yirikian, with the development of information technologies in Artsakh discussed.

Artsakh President noted that the cooperation agreement will contribute to the development of higher education and science. He said it would create a solid foundation for boosting the scientific potential of Artsakh, fostering the country’s integration in global processes.

NKR Minister of Education and Science Slava Asryan attended the meeting, Central Information Department at Artsakh President's office reported.