April 17, 2013 - 10:52 AMT
Agents up their cut from $2.5 billion FIFA int’l transfer market

FIFA says soccer agents are taking a bigger cut from international player transfers, even as trading in the billion-dollar market fell by $290 million in 2012, AP reported.

Player representatives took $163 million in fees from clubs, at 28-percent average commission, while their total from cross-border transfers rose $33 million last year.

FIFA’s online Transfer Matching System reports that “2012 witnessed a greater involvement of intermediaries” when players move between clubs from different countries.

FIFA processed English clubs paying $59 million to agents in international deals. In 2012, agents were paid commissions from 706 international transfers, a 19-percent increase.

Agents’ income soared despite FIFA logging a 10-percent drop in total value of international transfers, worth $2.53 billion. Agents also banked payments from players that FIFA’s system doesn’t record.