November 24, 2005 - 15:06 AMT
Baghdassaryan Addressed Event Marking Orange Revolution Anniversary
The time of completion of the official visit of Armenian National Assembly Speaker Artur Baghdassaryan to Ukraine coincided with festivities over the first anniversary of the orange revolution in Kiev. At the suggestion of President Yuschenko the Armenian Speaker made a speech in a Kiev square. When commenting on the event Mr. Baghdassaryan remarked Mr. Yuschenko's proposal was a surprise to him. "I considered it not correct to refuse a suggestion especially that the Ukrainian repeated it three times," he said. In the Speaker's words, Yuschenko suggested him to make a speech "as a genuine democrat." In Baghdassaryan's opinion, it is symbolical that the visit of the Armenian parliamentary delegation coincided with the Ukrainian revolution anniversary.

Foreseeing the response of the political forces of Armenia to his address at the Orange Revolution square in Kiev, Baghdassaryan remarked, "there will be people in Yerevan, who will censure this move, as well as those, who will approve of it." "As the Speaker I accepted the Ukrainian President's proposal," he emphasized.

Artur Baghdassaryan also touched upon prospects of the Armenian-Ukrainian relations. Thereupon he remarked that "after the Ukrainian revolution it is the first official visit of the Armenian delegation, which paves way to cooperation with new Ukrainian authorities." "One can say that after the Orange Revolution the Armenian-Ukrainian relations were in a standstill," Baghdassaryan remarked. In his words, during the meetings it was underscored that bilateral relations are expected to become activated in all spheres, starting with trade and economic ones and finishing with cooperation in international organizations and that between the Parliaments. Ukraine does not conceal it spreads democracy in CIS countries and adjacent states. Yuschenko openly spoke about it during the meetings," Baghdassaryan summed up, reported IA Regnum.