November 25, 2005 - 16:18 AMT
Armenian FM: Turkey May Be «Political Bridge» between Europe and Caucasus
Talks on Turkey's accession to the EU provide a second chance to that country to be a regional player and become a «political bridge» between Europe and the Caucasus, Armenian FM Vartan Oskanian stated in Los Angeles. In his words, after the collapse of the Soviet Union vacuum appeared in the region and Turkey could display regional approach, but it did not do it.» «Thus, Ankara missed a chance to separate its history from policy and use the chance to dominate the region,» the Armenian FM stated. «Turkey has a second chance today. Turkey is a candidate for EU accession and a NATO member. Turkey has an obligation and opportunity to be a connecting link. Three South Caucasian countries take part in the European Neighborhood Policy. The neighborhood physically includes Turkey as well and that country has to show its worth as a neighbor, V. Oskanian stated, reported Mediamax.