November 27, 2005 - 13:28 AMT
RA MO Head: "If Referendum Passes We Will Turn Over New Leaf, If Not - We Will Live As We Used to Live"
Secretary of the Security Council at the RA President, Defense Minister Serge Sargsyan voted in the referendum on constitutional amendments. "I expect our people to express opinion via this referendum," the RA MOD head stated. When commenting to the journalists on his passiveness during the agitation campaign the Minister stated he does not think so. "I expressed my opinion long ago. I did not think my participation in the campaign is necessary," he noted.
At the same time Serge Sargsyan considers that no sanctions will be applied as regards Armenia if the referendum fails. "I do not think it will negatively tell upon Armenia and impede its development. If the referendum passes we will turn a new leaf, if not- we will live as we used to live," he said.

When commenting on the action of civic disobedience organized by Heritage party leader, former Foreign Minister Raffi K. Hovannisian, Serge Sargsyan said, "If the rally organized by me were attended by less than 1000 people I would be ashamed to look into people's eyes the next day. One should thoroughly think over his deeds." When asked about possible confrontation between the supporters and opponents of the referendum, Serge Sargsyan noted, "What confrontation are you speaking about if they couldn't gather even 1000 people," reported IA Regnum.