December 7, 2005 - 13:36 AMT
Mammadyarov Predicts Tension in Karabakh Conflict Region
The status-quo created in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict region will aggravate tension, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadryarov stated at the 13th meeting of the OSCE Council of Foreign Ministers of Ljubljana. The Azeri Minister noted that official Baku "is deeply concerned over the latest statements by the Armenian leadership which questioned Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereignty." "The current situation will bear no fruit while Azerbaijan's patience is being exhausted. As result, threatening statements are heard more and frequently," said the Azerbaijani FM calling upon the OSCE to transform efforts for the conflict settlement into a priority line of the activities.

Elmar Mammadryarov stated Azerbaijan perceives the seizure of its lands as violation of jus gentium. In his opinion, the status-quo will undermine the possibility of peaceful negotiations, since the status of Nagorno Karabakh should be "determined not by ethnic cleansing but with taking into account legality, peace and democratic processes." "The status should be based upon interests of the Armenian and Azerbaijani communities of Nagorno Karabakh," Mammadyarov said stressing that the liberation of the "seized territories" is the principal condition for the status determination. He stated that "after the Armenian troops quit the seized Azerbaijani territories transport corridors for both parties will be opened." "The return of the seized territories, creation of atmosphere of peace and stability, return of Azeri refugees to their homes and establishment of trust between Armenians and Azeris should become Armenia and Azerbaijan's main tasks for the peaceful settlement of the conflict," Mammadyarov resumed, Trend news agency reported.