May 11, 2013 - 13:34 AMT
Prince Harry in Colorado for Warrior Games opening ceremony

Prince Harry is in Colorado for the opening ceremony of a Paralympic-style games for injured servicemen and women, on the third day of his U.S. tour, BBC News reported.

Almost 300 injured servicemen and women from the UK and U.S. are competing in the Warrior Games.

The prince will attend the opening ceremony, join some of the British athletes for brunch and watch a demonstration of a volleyball match.

The Warrior Games are hosted every year by the U.S. Olympic Committee.

The prince met Britons taking part in the event last year when he travelled to the U.S. to collect the humanitarian leadership award for his charitable work supporting injured servicemen and women.

The 35-strong UK squad is funded by military charity Help for Heroes. They will take part in archery, cycling, shooting, swimming, track and field, wheelchair basketball and sitting volleyball.

The prince, who has completed two tours of duty in Afghanistan as a co-pilot and gunner of Apache helicopters, began his seven-day tour by meeting Michelle Obama and joining her in honoring America's military mothers at a White House reception.

He has also visited an exhibition highlighting the work of a landmine charity supported by his mother, Princess Diana, and laid a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.