December 20, 2005 - 13:35 AMT
Details of Talks Not to Be Announced at PACE Karabakh Subcommittee Session
The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs' reports within the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Nagorno Karabakh Subcommittee can be only of procedural nature and no details of the questions discussed within the negotiation process will be announced by them, stated Azeri Deputy FM Araz Azimov. He stated it at a press briefing December 19, when commenting on the coming participation of the Co-Chairs in the PACE Subcommittee session scheduled January 9 in Paris. He said Co-Chairs' reports "will not be differentiated by novelty." "Azerbaijan is looking forward for any new documents over Nagorno Karabakh within the PACE framework. However, the course of the talks is confidential, the Azeri Deputy FM emphasized. It should be noted that January 9, 2006 a session of the PACE Subcommittee will be held in Paris with participation of the OSCE MG Co-Chairs to discuss the matter of application of paragraph 5 of CE 1416 Resolution on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. The paragraph specifically notes, "The PACE urges OSCE MG member states to activate their efforts to attain a peace settlement of the conflict and invites their national delegations to the PACE to annually report on actions of their governments in that respect. To that end
the Assembly asks for the Bureau to create a Subcommittee to comprise heads of national delegations as well," reported Trend agency.