January 10, 2006 - 15:00 AMT
Solution of Karabakh Issue Was Armenia's Foreign Policy Priority in 2005
Settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict was a priority in Armenia's foreign policy throughout 2005, Armenian FM Vartan Oskanian stated at today's news conference on the results of the MFA activities in 2005. In his words, the second phase of Prague meetings between the Armenian and Azeri FMs began in January. The Presidents had two meetings - in Warsaw and Kazan - that became guiding lines for the second stage of the talks between the FMs.

According to Mr. Oskanian, being guided by the principle of peaceful solution of the issue based on compromise, Armenia displayed the necessary flexibility. The OSCE MG Co-Chairs also showed rather active and constructive approach. A good basis is formed to sustain the progress made in 2005 in the following year and attain a greater one. «Early past year the OSCE MG dispatched a fact-finding mission within its mandate, which did not confirm Azerbaijan's statements that Armenia holds a policy of mass settlement in the conflict zone,» stated the Armenian FM. In Oskanian's words, 13 December 2005 the UN General Assembly general committee rejected the GUAM proposal on inclusion of the issues of conflicts in Black Sea and South Caucasus regions in the UN GA agenda. At the same time, in the Fm's words, Armenia showed political will to continue the talks. «Today international recognition of NK people to self-determination is a basis for solution of the problem to us. Only recognition of that fact by Baku and its documentation will make starting settlement of the issue possible,» V. Oskanian stated.