January 10, 2006 - 19:16 AMT
Armenian President Scheduled to Visit Germany in March
The previous dynamics of the Armenian-German relations will continue in 2006. Armenian President R. Kocharian is scheduled to visit Germany in March 2006, while the FM V. Oskanian will pay a visit in February. Armenian FM Vartan Oskanian stated it at today's news conference on the results of the MFA activities in 2005. In his words, the political dialogue successfully continued between the MFAs of the two countries. The most important event from the political point of view was the resolution adopted by Bundestag on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the deportation and slaughter of Armenians April 24, 1915: Germany should promote reconciliation of Armenians and Turks.

According to the Armenian FM, cooperation between the Armenian and German defense ministries continued in 2005. Considerable achievements were registered in economy. In cooperation aimed at promoting development Germany is the second biggest donor after the US. Besides, agreements were made over programs totaling 15 million euros. The level of economic presence of Germany notably increased in Armenia. According to the index of foreign investments in Armenia Germany occupies the 6th place. Within the past two years the level of Armenia-German commodity turnover increased about 80%. In January-August 2005 the commodity turnover between the two countries made $181 million. Germany is the second biggest trade partner of Armenia on the level of commodity turnover.