May 31, 2013 - 15:23 AMT
FIFA chief: we can send strong signal to racists that their time’s up

FIFA President Joseph Blatter has addressed the 209 FIFA Member associations at the FIFA Congress in Mauritius, FIFA official website said.

In his speech, Blatter told delegates: "This Congress ranks among the most important for the football community as we complete our reform process, improving the way we work and setting the highest standards in good governance in sport. We have been through a difficult time. It has been a test for the world of football and for those who lead it."

The FIFA President also stressed the importance of the fight against discrimination. "There have been despicable events this year that have cast a long shadow over football and the rest of society," he said. "I am speaking of the politics of hate – racism, ignorance, discrimination, intolerance, small-minded prejudice. That uncivilized, immoral and self-destructive force that we all detest.”

He also expressed a hope that, through “the newly formed Task Force, led by Jeffrey Webb, and the tough resolution before you this week, we can send a strong signal to the racists that their time is up".