January 23, 2006 - 13:16 AMT
NKR MFA: OSCE Mission Stay in Karabakh Discussed and Coordinated
January 22 NKR Deputy Foreign Minister Masis Mailian received head of the OSCE High-Level Planning Group Tomaž Strgar and OSCE delegation members who arrived in Karabakh for reconnoitering, reported NKR MFA press service. During the meeting the parties discussed and coordinated the program of stay of the OSCE Mission in Nagorno Karabakh, including the schedule and routes of trips in Karabakh and the adjacent regions forming the security belt. Masis Mailian confirmed the readiness of the Karabakh party to render the essential assistance to the OSCE HLPG. For his part Tomaž Strgar thanked the NKR authorities for the possibility and support rendered for reconnoitering. Representative of the NKR Defense Army General Staff, Colonel V. Hakobian and officials of the NKR Foreign Ministry and Defense Ministry took part in the meeting.