June 3, 2013 - 09:43 AMT
Russia blocks UN resolution on Qusair, slams it as “unilateral”

Russia has blocked British-drafted resolution that criticizes the Syrian regime’s offensive in the strategic town of Qusair in Syria, UN diplomatic sources told RIA Novosti on Sunday, June 2, the news agency reported.

Russia called the draft text “unilateral” and “not reflecting the real situation in Syria, particularly in Qusair,” which is close to the border with Lebanon. A diplomat said Moscow blocked the resolution as the UN had failed to make a statement when the rebels seized the town.

According to UN figures, some 1,500 wounded civilians have been trapped in the besieged Syrian town and are in need of emergency.

The UK-drafted UN statement obtained by RIA Novosti said the Syrian government must allow “immediate, full and unimpeded access” to UN humanitarian agencies to reach the civilians in Qusair.

Syria’s Foreign Minister Walid Muallem told UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Sunday the country will allow the Red Cross into Qusair after the military operation is over, according to the Syrian State Television.