January 25, 2006 - 16:32 AMT
Russia Welcomed Baku and Yerevan Joining International Transport Corridor
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Yakovenko voiced hope that in the light of the Karabakh conflict settlement the transport communication between Armenia and Azerbaijan might be resumed. To note, Alexander Yakovenko heads the Russian delegation at the 14th OSCE economic conference that started in Vienna yesterday. In his words, Moscow is convinced that efficient cooperation of the South Caucasian states and development of economy is hardly possible without restoration of the regional thruways, first of all the railway communication. He reminded that last January Russia and Georgia signed an agreement on direct ferry-railway communication via the ports of Caucasus (Russia) and Poti (Georgia). "Agreements on through railway communication via Abkhazia were achieved between the corresponding transport structures," the RF Deputy FM said.

"Heads of the Russian, Armenian and Georgian railways met last week to discuss formation of a structure to deal with the issue," he noted. "The importance of this decision exceeds economic frames. All the parties of the agreement should feel the efficiency of the railway communication, which could promote enhancement of political climate in the region," he said. Russia also welcomes Armenia and Azerbaijan's joining the Treaty on the North-South International Transport Corridor (Saint Petersburh-India). "In our opinion, this move opens for these counties extra possibilities for entering new markets and participation in transit services. Moreover it will contribute to the stability and security in the region," he resumed.