January 26, 2006 - 14:42 AMT
Baku not Sparing Efforts to Expel Armenia from CE
Member of the PACE Azeri delegation Rafael Huseynov presented a document titled Inadmissibility of Membership of Armenia an aggressor country, whose actions run counter to Council of Europe fundamental principles and basic criteria in the PACE. The CE Committee of Ministers will discuss the document. Ambassadors of all 46 CE member states participate in the debate according the regulations. After the discussion the document will be made public along with the Ministers' decision, reported APA agency.

A move like that aims exclusively at expelling Armenia from the CE. At that it should be noted that the document in question was presented literally the next day after PACE approved the mandate of the Azeri delegation. Upon approval of the mandate the Azeri delegation remained PACE plenipotentiary member. Thus, Baku is trying to divert attention from its problems in the PACE.