January 26, 2006 - 16:32 AMT
Only Independence Status Acceptable to Nagorno Karabakh
«Any status below independence is not acceptable to the Nagorno Karabakh Republic,» NKR FM Georgy Petrosyan stated at a meeting with a group of Belgian journalists, who accompany the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Belgian FM Karel de Gucht in the course of his visit to Armenia. The meeting was held at the NKR Permanent Representation in Yerevan, reported the Press Service of the NKR Permanent Representation. The NKR FM emphasized that the NK people chose the way to independence at the nation-wide referendum 1991. When answering journalists' questions, Georgy Petrosyan indicated it was necessary that the Karabakh party be involved in the talks within the peace settlement process, as there are a number of issues that cannot be solved without Nagorno Karabakh's participation. It should be noted that NKR Permanent representative to Armenia Karlen Avetisyan was present at the meeting.