January 26, 2006 - 18:51 AMT
Newspaper, Which Called Safarov Criminal, Picketed in Baku
Some 70 veterans of the fights near Dashalty and activists of the movement of Karabakh War Veterans picketed the editor's office of the Real Azerbaijan newspaper, which had called Ramil Safarov, who is indicted for killing Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan, «a criminal.» Aggressively disposed participants of the action demanded that the newspaper staff come out and comment on the viewpoint presented in the article. Not ruing out the opportunity for the picketers can attack the editor's office, the newspaper editor-in-chief Eynulla Fatullayev called the police, reported Day.az.

February 19, 2004 Armenian Armed Forces lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan, who was sent to Budapest to take English courses within Partnership for Peace Program, was brutally hacked by the Azeri officer, also a participant of the same course. Safarov was indicted on the article 116.2 of the Hungarian Criminal Code (murder with special brutality and attempt at life of over one person), which provides for imprisonment from 10-15 years to life imprisonment.