February 1, 2006 - 15:42 AMT
UEFA: Azerbaijani and Armenian Teams to Decide Where to Play
UEFA press office said that selection matches between the Azerbaijani and Armenian national teams may take place in both states. However meeting on a neutral territory s not ruled out. "The Armenian and Azerbaijani teams will decide where play. They can meet on a neutral territory as well but the agreement of the Federations is essential in this case. If the Federations fail to reach an agreement, the decision will be taken by the UEFA. It is not excluded that the matches will be held in Baku and Yerevan," UEFA press office head said, APA news agency reported.

To note, Moldavian media spread information that the heads of the Football Federations of Armenia and Azerbaijan are discussing the possibility of conducting the match on a neutral territory and the Azeri party offered to meet in Moldova.