February 3, 2006 - 15:59 AMT
Negotiated Issues Kept Secret from Karabakh?
Today we are almost unaware of what is being discussed during the negotiations on Nagorno Karabakh, however threatening information and dangerous ideas should not be spread among the people. I think when time comes the public will be informed of the contents of the talks," leader of Democratic Party of Artsakh, chairman of the parliamentary commission for external affairs Vahram Atanesyan stated during round-table discussions organized by Open Society NGO. At that the deputy noted that the talks held by the Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders should not necessarily bring to signing of a document. When touching upon the return of the territories controlled by the NKR defense Army Vahram Atanesyan noted that the issue should not viewed skin-deep. "The people themselves should decide whether to return the territories won at the cost of blood in the war imposed on them. As for the status of Karabakh the deputy said, "Our position was expressed in 1991 when the people voted for independence," reported IA Regnum.