June 19, 2013 - 15:11 AMT
Orange Armenia hails changes in law On Telecommunications

With the amendment to the law On Telecommunications coming into force, mobile users in Armenia will get a possibility to change their operator without changing the phone number.

Orange Armenia CEO Francis Gelibter welcomed the change, saying: “Mobile number portability in Western Europe and in other countries where it was implemented has brought a major improvement in the market and we are happy that soon Armenian customers will have this freedom of choice. For already a long time, Orange has supported the implementation of this service in Armenia, and we know that once it is implemented, quality and service will become the main criteria of being with an operator, as customers will be able to choose the operator they prefer and keep their phone number at the same time.”

Following the procedure set by the Public Services Regulatory Commission of Armenia, the three operators will create a joint company and a common database, to be able to introduce the service on January 1, 2014.

“Orange will do its best to support the fast and quality implementation of the new system, by sharing its experience and the one of the Orange Group”, Mr. Gelibter said.